ご存知の方もいるかと思いますが、結成メンバーのラッセルが活動をちょっと休むことになりまして、今回のアースダムはwunder kammrの中嶋さんに手伝ってもらうことになりました。スタジオに入ってみたらいい感じになりそう! Some friends will have already heard, but with founder member and venerable engine room Cicada Trainer currently on hiatus, the very excellent Nakajima-san from Wunder Kammr has graciously offered to fill in on skin-battering duties. Things were sounding belting in the studio ahead of our maiden duo outing at Earthdom on Tuesday! 🥁🔥🥁🔥🥁🔥🥁🔥 10/15@新大久保アースダム AssHoleGrindMother! + burasagari Presents 僕ノ母ハオ家ニ帰リマシタ vol.1 → https://www.facebook.com/events/440766993225550/
18:00op ¥2000+1d gloptin https://www.facebook.com/gloptin-375746195775644/
AssHoleGrindMother! https://twitter.com/airpulljanks
burasagari https://www.facebook.com/burasagari/
Justice Christopher
the cocaine's pix https://twitter.com/CocainePix