先週のPit Barは3ヶ月ぶりのジャスクリでした!しかもその間練習もゼロ...😨さすがにちょっと錆びが付いていましたが、美味しいところもありました。では、ハイライトの「ストレートエッジ・ストーナー」をご覧になって下さい!Last week at Pit Bar was our first gig in three months and we hadn't practised in just as long. We were predictably rusty, but the show still had its moments, so feast your eyes on this short clip of "straightedge stoner" riffing and thumping.
Upcoming gigs: July 21 at Chiba Starnite
July 27 at Koenji Muryoku Muzenji (Dave solo)